Some of our clinical and scientific references
- Hellmuth & Thiel Praxis für Sensomotorik und Rehabilitation, Potsdam, Germany
Hellmuth & Thiel Praxis – Why Gloreha met our needs
“what we liked the most about Gloreha is that it has different concepts, very important is the AOT therapy with which we can treat patients without active movement”
“We notice, especially in patients with spasticity, that this system is very well indicated to start the movement and than take over it step by step”
Gloreha at Hellmuth & Thiel Praxis -Type of patients and clinical goals
“Gloreha glove offers the patient the possibility to feel the object, grasp it autonomously and to benefit of a high quality proprioception stimulation”
Anne Katrin Lauer – My clinical experience with Gloreha
“It is possible to work early and rapidly at the beginning according to the patient residual motor skills in order to promote neuroplasticity”
Gloreha at Hellmuth & Thiel Praxis – A modern facility for neuro patients
“The patients we treat are mainly neurological and the stroke is the clinical case we treat the most”
Hellmuth & Thiel Praxis – Case study Mrs Renate Rachel
“I have been treated with this device too. It was good and I can say that it made me make progress, it led to a lot of improvements”
Hellmuth & Thiel Praxis – Case study Mr Uwe Paul
“We notice that during the therapy the hand is softer, especially during extension, the tone decreases considerably and at the same time the muscular tensions relaxes”
Hellmuth & Thiel Praxis – Case Study Mr Jörg Kick
“Gloreha gave me the possibility to move again my fingers selectively”
- Villa Beretta – Presidio di Riabilitazione dell’Ospedale Valduce, Costa Masnaga, Italy
Interview with Dr. Molteni
“The movement is experienced, imagined and perceived by the patient, thanks to the execution of activities the glove makes possible”
- Center Fizioterapija, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Gloreha at Center Fizioterapija Ljubljana – Tatiana
“I chose Gloreha because it allows the clients to really feel and manipulate the object (…) And also, bimanual or bilateral activities, for example pouring some water into the glass and drinking, or putting toothpaste on a toothbrush and so on”
Gloreha at Center Fizioterapija Ljubljana – Mersad Case Study
“After the therapy, his pinch movement improved of about 25% in our test, which is a huge improvement of the pinch.”
Gloreha at Center Fizioterapija Ljubljana – Miha Case Study
“An aim of his rehabilitation for the upper limb is to get a little bit more of dexterity of the whole upper extremity, so not just the hand (…) To achieve his goals, with Gloreha we have been using grasping exercises, selective movement exercises, pinch exercises, and exercises for manipulation of the object”
- Prosperius Tiberino Institute, Umbertide, Italy
Prosperius Tiberino Institute: Dr. Milia – Gloreha clinical experience
“It is a technological instrument that can be used also in recreating small everyday gestures in patients who may have lost them due to neurodegenerative diseases”
Prosperius Tiberino Institute: Case Study – Mr. Sergio Andreani
“The goal is to stimulate the neuronal synapses that have remained silent after harmful event and, than, lead to a completion of the activity and action”
Prosperius Tiberino Institute: Dr. MIlia – Robots for neurorehabilitation
“… In this context we have included the robot Gloreha, in my opinion very simple in its use, but at the same time it enables us to treat patients with a very important pathological complexity”
- Centre Jacques Calvé, Berck-sur-Mer, France
Gloreha au Centre Jacques Calvé
- Centro di riabilitazione Santa Maria Bambina, Oristano, Italy
Gloreha al Centro di riabilitazione Santa Maria Bambina di Oristano: intervista al dott. Tomas Dore
Gloreha al Centro di riabilitazione Santa Maria Bambina di Oristano: intervista a Federica Sanna
Gloreha al Centro di riabilitazione Santa Maria Bambina di Oristano: intervista a Gabriella Casu
La storia di Sulleman – Gloreha al Centro di riabilitazione Santa Maria Bambina di Oristano
La storia di Angela – Gloreha al Centro di riabilitazione Santa Maria Bambina di Oristano
- Centro Medico e di Fisiokinesiterapia Dr. Crupi, Reggio Calabria, Italy
Interview with Dr. Crupi, Dr. Di Iorio and Dr. Strati
“Gloreha is for treatment of cerebral ischemia and cognitive deficit of various level”
Flavia Case Study, interview with physiotherapist Mazzullo and neuropsychomotor therapist Spagnolo
“The treatment has led to an increase in the speed of execution (…), an increase in the duration of sustained attention and an improvement in coordination”
Alina and Maria Twins Case Study, Interview with speech therapist Tortora and psychomotor therapist Pintaudi
“Being an interactive machine, Gloreha is well accepted by children”
Domenico Case Study, Interview with physiotherapist Mazzullo
“The treatment with the glove allows the ROM to remain stable (…) The visual stimulus given by the screen allows the activation of the mirror neurons”
Bogdan Case Study, Interview with Dr. Cucinotta
“He started using Gloreha technique with excellent results, to enhance both the cognitive and the motor area”
- Domus Salutis Rehabilitation Center, Brescia, Italy
Gloreha: how to manage spasticity on neurological patients – Interview with Dr. Bissolotti
“I had the opportunity to realize how much the robotics, in particular Gloreha Sinfonia, was able to quickly act to the mutual satisfaction of the clinician and the patient (…) In particular, within a few sessions, it was immediately possible to record a reduction in focal spasticity / hypertonus with a significant reduction in the Ashworth scale values”
Carlo Story Gloreha after Covid 19 – Interview with Carlo Dr. Bissolotti
“I arrived that I did not move my hand completely, zero, there was no signal but we saw both with the physiotherapists and with Dr. Bissolotti that doing the therapy with Gloreha there was an improvement, an improvement I have seen”
Gloreha on patients with Parkinson disease – Interview with Dr. Bissolotti
“Gloreha Aria is a virtual reality device that allows to take advantage of a series of interactive games based on a well-integrated and enhanced sensor with the construction of rehabilitation games tailored to motor and also cognitive stimulation with respect to the functional use of the upper limb”
Gloreha on patients with spinal cord injury – Interview with Dr. Bissolotti
“In these patients [spinal cord injury – complete lesion], Gloreha Sinfonia device was however useful in preventing tertiary damages, treating negative symptoms and also maintaining, thanks to the three-dimensional visualization, a sort of appropriate representation of the body scheme in premotor areas.”
The Advantages of Robotic Rehabilitation – Interview with Dr. Bissolotti
“It [Gloreha Sinfonia] can also accompany the person in the execution of a more realistic gesture because by using the robotic glove the patient can simulate not only virtually on the PC screen but also physically on the rehabilitation table, the grip and release of objects that simulate activities of daily living”
Gloreha Sinfonia: Motor Imagery and Bilateral Mirror Training – Interview with Dr. Bissolotti
“… It is even possible to set up bimanual activities such that the game based on mirror neurons and on the exploitation of hemispheric interconnections is strengthened by this double strategy that can be exploited thanks to Gloreha Sinfonia”
- Shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
- Aatalklinik Wünnenberg, Wünnenberg, Germany
- Agios Ioannis Lambadistis, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Amai Pakpak Medical Center, Marawi, Philippines
- Anabiosi Rehab Center, Drama, Greece
- Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Città della Salute e della Scienza, Torino, Italy
- Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria, Parma, Italy
- Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Mater Domini, Catanzaro, Italy
- Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria – Ospedali Riuniti, Foggia, Italy
- BG Kliniken Bergmannstrost, Halle, Germany
- Benghazi Medical Center, Benghazi, Libya
- Bielanski Hospital, Warsaw, Poland
- Binh Phuoc Traditional Medicine Hospital, Vietnam
- Bionur Medservis, Samarcanda, Uzbekistan
- Burjeel Medical City, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
- Cardinal Santos Medical Center, Manila, Philippines
- Casa di Cura Domus Salutis, Brescia, Italy
- Casa di Cura Eremo, Arco, Italy
- Casa di Cura Villa dei Gerani, Vibo Valentia, Italy
- Casa di Cura Villa San Giuseppe – Santo Stefano Riabilitazione, Anzano del Parco, Italy
- Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation for Children and Youth with Functional Disabilities, Darnytsia District of Kiev, Ukraine
- Centre de Santé Rossetti, Nice, France
- Centre Hospitalier de Montluçon, Néris-les-Bains, France
- Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Dijon, France
- Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Lille, France
- Centro IRCCS Don Gnocchi, Firenze, Italy
- Centro Ospedaliero di Riabilitazione Intensiva di Passignano, Passignano, Italy
- Centro Lescer, Madrid, Spain
- Centro Socio Sanitario della Fondazione Filippo Turati Onlus, Vieste, Italy
- Chongquing Medical University, Chongquing, China
- Chulabhorn Royal Academy, Bangkok, Thailand
- Cleveland Clinic, London, United Kingdom
- Clínica Ubarmin, Navarra, Spain
- Clinical center for medical rehabilitation, Velikij Novgorod, Russia
- Complejo Asistencial Padre las Casas, Temuco, Chile
- CTR (Centro Terapeutico Riabilitativo), Tramutola (PZ), Italy
- Diana Klinik, Bad Bevensen, Germany
- East Tallinn Central Hospital, Estonia
- Elizabeth Seton Children’s Rehab Center, White Plains, USA
- Fondazione Poliambulanza Istituto Ospedaliero, Brescia, Italy
- Foundation Pärnu Hospital, Parnu, Estonia
- Fundación Polibea, Madrid, Spain
- George Mason University, Fairfax, USA
- Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar
- Hand- und Ergotherapie Laborn, München, Germany
- Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas Clinics, Kaunas, Lithuania
- Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri, Lumezzane, Italy
- Istituto di riabilitazione Santo Stefano, Porto Potenza Picena, Italy
- Janakpuri Super Specialty Hospital Society, New Delhi, India
- Klinik Bethesda, Tschugg, Switzerland
- Klinik und Rehabilitationszentrum Lippoldsberg, Wahlsburg, Germany
- Makati Life Medical Center, Manila, Philippines
- Medical Center, Bianco, Italy
- Medical Sport Center Srl – Villa Torano, Torano Castello (CS) Italy
- MossRehab, Elkins Park, USA
- National Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, Budapest, Hungary
- National Nursing and Rehabilitation Hospital, Sam Son Town, Vietnam
- Ospedale Buccheri La Ferla Fatebenefratelli, Palermo, Italy
- Ospedale di Conselve, Conselve, Italy
- Ospedale di Treia, Treia, Italy
- Ospedale La Colletta, Arenzano, Italy
- Ospedale San Gerardo, Monza, Italy
- Ospedale San Sebastiano, Correggio, Italy
- Ospedale San Pancrazio, Arco, Italy
- Ospedale Villa dei Colli, Lonato del Garda, Italy
- Ospedale Unico della Val d’Arda, Fiorenzuola d’Arda, Italy
- OT Department Chiang Mai University, Thailand
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Hospital, Madinat al-Kuwait, Kuwait
- Policlinico Universitario Campus Biomedico, Roma, Italy
- P.A.N. Zentrum für Post-Akute Neurorehabilitation, Berlin, Germany
- Praxis fur Ergotherapie und Handrehabilitation Michaela Hankte, Ansbach, Germany
- Presidio Ospedaliero Villa Rosa, Pergine Valsugana, Italy
- Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodindra Hospital, Samut Prakan, Thailand
- Razedent Clinica Medicala, Buzău, Romania
- Rehabilitacni Ustav Kladruby, Kladruby, Czech Republic
- Rehabilitační ústav Hostinné, Czech Republic
- Rehabilitation Center Consilium, Aksakovo village – Mytishchi district, Russia
- Rehaklinik Zihlschlacht, Zihlschlacht, Switzerland
- Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology, Moscow, Russia
- Rumah Sakit Dr. Suyoto Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Sanatoriul Balnear şi de Recuperare Techirghiol, Romania
- Secția pentru copii a Sanatoriului Balnear și de Recuperare Techirghiol, Romania
- Sheba Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel
- Shrimad Rajchandra Hospital, Gujarat, India
- Shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
- Stanbridge University, USA
- Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Institute, Nonthaburi, Thailand
- Spitalul Municipal Falticeni, Falticeni, Romania
- Studio di Ergoterapia Zeffiro di Laure Anne Clerc, Mendrisio, Switzerland
- Teletón Chile, Santiago, Chile
- The Second People’s Hospital, Guiyang, China
- Therapiezentrum Eichholz, Neustadt a. d. Weinstraße, Germany
- Thong Nhat Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- To Walk Again, Herentals, Belgium
- University of Pittsburgh Research Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Pittsburgh, USA
- UZ Leuven, Belgium
- Uniwersytecki Szpital Dziecięcy w Lublinie, Poland
- Wetchakarunrasm Hospital, Nong Chok, Thailand
- Vivantes Klinikum Spandau, Berlin, Germany
- Zayed Higher Organization, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates